Cowley County Man Files Lawsuit To Preserve His 4th Amendment Rights

Cowley County Man Files Lawsuit To Preserve His 4th Amendment Rights

By Brian Kline

October 26, 2022

A Cowley County man has filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the District of Kansas to protect against the unreasonable, unannounced, and warrantless searches as unconstitutional licensing requirements, all as a result of having to obtain a state-mandated license.

Award-winning and nationally recognized dog trainer and handler in Cowley County, Scott Johnson is required by the state to carry the license, but as part of the license, he is forced to waive his 4th amendment rights. The government inspector can show up for a surprise search and if the license holder or their representative isn’t on the property within 30 minutes the government penalizes Kansans like Scott with a fine, even asking the government inspector to come back at more convenient time subjects the license-holders to penalties as well.

Litigation director of Kansas Justice Institute, Sam MacRoberts says the 30-minute requirement doesn’t make a bit of sense, especially for rural Kansans where just getting to the grocery store and back usually takes more than thirty minutes. MacRoberts went on to say that Scott’s rights don’t end the moment Scott trains or handles a dog.

Scott operates Covey Find Kennel, has handled multiple national champion dogs, and sits as a director of the Brittany Field Trial Hall of Fame.