Case Info & Legal Team

Clay County Warrantless Information Collection Program

Challenges warrantless collection of tracking forms requiring campers to reveal with whom they shared a tent, bathroom, meal, or bedroom under the Fourth Amendment and COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy Act.

In Clay County, government officials mandated that Clay County Park campers fill out registration forms. Park officials were keeping track of anyone who used the bathroom, spent the night, shared a meal, or slept in the same bedroom. Campers were required to turn this information over to park employees.
KJI demanded they rescind the order. They did.

Rick James, County Attorney, met with the Board to discuss the Kansas Open Records Request that Dana Rickley, County Heath Director, received from the Kansas Justice Institute concerning the COVID-19 contract tracing policy that was put into effect on May 11, 2020. On June 9, 2020 the Legislature put into effect a new COVID-19 contact tracing privacy act and Mr. James stated that we must follow the new law. The contact tracing policy will be discontinued immediately at the Clay County Park.
– Clay County meeting minutes (July 13, 2020)

Case Timeline

Letter to Clay County
Clay County Meeting Minutes